2025 Slussen nr 5 - Stadsmuseet Stockholm
2024 Black Lava Fairy tale - Naturum Värmland
2024 Black Lava Fairy Tale - Galleri Glas, Stockholm
2010 The Art of Wrapping Garbage - Galleri Demo, Stockholm
1994 Greensburg - Fotograficentrum, Malmö
1990 Tjernobyl - Nationalgalleriet, Stockholm
2024 A Better Way to Go
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Discovery Center, Seattle
2018 STHLM Forever - Fotografiska, Stockholm
2015 The Shit Show - Thierry Goldberg Gallery, New York
2009 Naturskyddsföreningens 100-årsjubileum
Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö and Umeå
2004 Magazine Motiv - CFF, Stockholm
2002 Stockholm Too Close - Kulturhuset, Stockholm
2001 Rötter - porträtt av generationer - Kulturen i Lund
2001 Rötter - porträtt av generationer - Kulturhuset, Stockholm
2000 Dreamworld - Bildmuseet, Umeå / Virserums Konsthall
1999 Plåtat - ett sekel i bilder - Kulturhuset, Stockholm
1994 - 1996 Tres generaciones de fotografos Suecos
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago Chile,
Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo Uruguay,
Chinese Revolutionary Museum, Peking and more.
1993 De refuserade - Liljevalchs, Stockholm
1993 Åh, du nya sköna värld - Arbetets Museum, Norrköping
1992 MAKT/vanmakt - Fotograficentrum, Stockholm
1991 Lika med - Moderna Muséet, Stockholm
2004 - 2008 Magazine Motiv - Founder & editorial member
Motiv was a gallery in magazine format in which photographers, artists, writers, viewers and readers could meet. The content ranged from documentary and journalistic photography to more conceptual work. The magazine featured three issues a year between 2004 and 2008. Our goal was to pave the way for innovative photography. Motiv was made without commercial interests, production was funded by the editorial members and subscriptions.