Guld - dess dunkla glans (The Shimmer and shade of Gold)

The path of gold is from pit to pit. Much of it is dug up from one hole in the ground only to be placed safely in another. Thousands of tons of gold is forever kept in deep storage. All over the world people hide their gold in vaults and safes, closets and cupboards, in walls and in holes in the ground. Having some gold stashed away makes both nations and individuals feel safe, and in troubled times demand as well as the price rise.

In 24 chapters, photographer Susanne Walström and social anthropologist Anette Nyqvist tell the story of the world’s most fabled metal. The book cover not only the history of gold and its varied applications, but also the paradox between the dubious way in which it is often sourced and the glamorous end product.

The book is published in both an english and a swedish version.


Photographer - Susanne Walström
Writer - Anette Nyqvist
Design - Patric Leo
Published by - Max Ström